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Why Buy or Sell Your Next Home with
Deborah Fogarty?

Experience: 17+ years of experience representing buyers, sellers,

developers & custom build home buyers. I have seen it all. And I know the

market inside and out.


Buyers benefit from my knowledge of not only what is currently on the

market, but more importantly off-market opportunities, as well as an

extensive list of what will be coming on the market shortly. Anyone can

scroll through MLS. In our market you need boots on the ground

info….someone who is intuitive, someone who does not waste your time.

You want a seasoned professional that has your families interests in mind.

Buying a home is a huge financial investment. You want to do it with a

trusted advisor, you want to have someone who represents your interests

and who occasionally in a moment of weakness might have to remind you

what your goals are.


Sellers benefit from that inside market knowledge as well. It is great to

have the inside track on who you will be competing with at any given time.

When you are pricing a house you want to be the best house for t

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